Jaime's Story

My name is Jaime, I am 26 years old, and I’m from Tampa, Florida. Since I was younger I have struggled with chronic and life-debilitating symptoms & illnesses. Many of which to this day I still don’t have a diagnosis for. While I personally try to stay as positive as I can though out all the struggles of having chronic illnesses it can definitely take a toll on me & makes everyday life tasks harder and not every day is easy but I fight through it like a warrior!!
Throughout the years of being sick, I have found many Chronic illness warriors like my self via social media sites such as Instagram and youtube. I’ve made some lasting friendships with people over the years that understand what It's like to go through these debilitating symptoms and illnesses and I thank every one of them for always being there to talk to :)
Personal Instagram: @ChronicWarriorJaime :)
With that my project/ Organization Chronic Warrior boxes / Chronic Warrior Care Packages was founded June 2018 :)
Chronic Warrior Care Packages is an Instagram based Care package organization founded by myself, Jaime where I sending out care packages to fellow Chronic illness warriors of all ages. Open to USA residents as well as international residents.
Due to the high cost of being able to ship out all these care packages shipping donations are required, my organization needs as much help as we can with donations for shipping cost as well as donations to buy items we may need for the care packages. Any donations help out a ton & are extremely appreciated beyond words! If you would like to donate items they need to be new. You can message me on Instagram or send an email.
Applications open each month!! Stay tuned to social media posts for updates!
Contact email for donations & questions: